BSides Security Transylvania – Code of Conduct

Code of conduct

Security BSides Transylvania | Attendee Code-of-Conduct

Security BSides Transylvania is a conference by the information security community for the information security community. Facilitating a pleasant atmosphere for all attendees is a core aim of the Security BSides Transylvania organisers, and as an attendee/participant, you agree to be bound by the Security BSides Transylvania Attendee Code-of-Conduct.

Purpose of this Code-of-Conduct:

• To ensure a constructive, inclusive and pleasant atmosphere for all volunteers and attendees of the Security BSides Transylvania conference.
• To ensure that all participants know what behaviour they have a right to expect from other attendees, volunteers and organisers.
• To ensure that all participants know what behaviour is expected of them whilst attending the Security BSides Transylvania conference.

Respect for Others

Attendees will:
• Respect the presenters, do not talk among themselves during their presentations, ensure the mobile phones are muted or switched off once you are attending a presentation, and avoid leaving until the end of the presentation so as to minimise disruption to the other attendees and the presenter. Heckling and constant harassment of presenters will not be tolerated.
• Treat the organisers, volunteers and other participants with respect and follow any instructions given. The BSides Transylvania volunteers and organisers have given up a significant amount of time to facilitate this conference for the benefit of the attendees.
• Asking questions is what makes this a great community, but do respect the presenter’s method for handling questions (e.g. do not interrupt to comment or jump to ask a question if the presenter prefers questions at the end of the session) and do not monopolise the presenter/speaker (be conscious of time and allow other attendees the opportunity to ask questions as well).
• Treat all the participants at the conference fairly and equally.
• Do not discriminate unlawfully against any person.
• Allow others to express themselves and understand that all views are important even if they are not the same as your own – as long as no offence is caused, even if that is unintentional.

Photographs and Recordings

We will be taking photographs during the whole event, and we will be video-recording the sessions for both promotional and knowledge-sharing purposes. By signing up for the event (attending), you consent with Security BSides Transylvania to share such media to its online (social media platforms) and offline communication channels.
The Security BSides Transylvania organisers reserve the right to determine what constitutes reasonable behaviour and the right to restrict admission to the conference.

Equal Opportunities

An attendee must:
• Understand, respect and act at all times without prejudice to race, age, ethnic origins, disability, gender, physical and mental health, religion, sexuality or cultural background.
• Understand that all forms of discrimination, including bullying and harassment, are unacceptable.
• Listen to and adhere to the organiser’s and volunteer’s instructions.


If you are having an issue with any Security BSides Transylvania participant of ANY badge type, report it to a member of the Security BSides Transylvania team (organiser or volunteer), and they will determine the next steps.